Priston Tale Game review

This is one interesting game, cute in many parts. Graphics is so so, this game was rather ok during the development era. Dont get me wrong, I like playing this game initially long time ago before the game went P2P (play to play). However there is tons of complains, like there is no priston tale guides, no action or way to buy sell items in the game other than PTP website (which is actually a forum setup by one of the players, and most of all the customer service is non-existant. It generally takes 2 weeks for you to pay them, among other problems. Well, there is generally tons of players from Brazil which 99% of them are assholes (no offense but those in this game really is). They have recently announced P2P in July 2004, which I have paid for 1 year. Due to 99% of the players left (yes this is true), they regretably they continued offering free until mid August (guess they wanted more players so i lost 1.5 months there). After that offered this `free for first couple of levels` for players to test which I believe was a good idea during the start. Now the game server crashes every 15 minutes and lags so much I could no longer play, because Priston Tale increased game speed by 2x so all this free players are forced to pay sooner. Cheaters continue to prosper, just imagining seeing cheaters `auto-kill` monsters underground (yes), invisable, in the wall, in the tree, on the tree (how the heck the guy climbed up there??), on the lamp post (wtf?), and of course losing a lot of stuff to cheaters with `trade cheats`. Overall I maybe bias here, but I bet there is a lot of other players who feels the same as me, yep all of us want our money back.

Cute in some parts
Play free for the first few levels

Non-existant customer service, guides, admins
Takes 2 weeks to process payment to them (half the people got billed wrongly!)
Extreme lag and server crashes
Priston Tale places more emphasis on making money than making the game enjoyable
Too many cheaters


Game reviews which I have played so far:

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- City of heroes
- Priston Tale
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- World of warcraft
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